The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Those words that bring about a groan from a Mom and the white knuckle grip on the steering wheel from Pop. Whether it’s off to see the Grand Canyon or visit everyone's favorite cartoon character Mickey Mouse, we've been there, we've heard those words, and we've said them. What I've come to realize is that we still say them, just the manner and words are different.

Our voices rise with anger and yet in this not so pleasant tone we say "I'm not yelling." We act as children, which is disappointing because children are at least innocent and have been exposed to so little. We push the problem. We throw it away like a fastball. We package it in a box covered with duct tape with no return address, hoping it never finds the way back to the source. Finds the way back into our arms.

Recently I've had an ongoing problem with receiving my washer and dryer from Sears. It's been going on for almost four weeks. What lies in my living room is one large box, but more importantly what I might consider the greatest appliance of all time. Tomorrow it is to be setup. Through this ordeal I talked to the Genes, Karens, and Deborahs of the call center world dotted throughout our country. I've dealt with employees at the physical store to management at our apartment. And in my putting together this puzzle (I'd like to substitute headache for puzzle) the root cause was never clearly determined. One person felt it was another, which obliviously then had a corresponding 800 Number where I would get to make my own jingle by punching in various buttons from a touch tone phone.

No one wants to be at fault. Including myself. We hate to be wrong. We like to think that we have the answers and we like to think that we aren't stubborn because of this. We do have the answers, but from time to time they aren't the right ones. We complain about environmental problems and drive our SUVs. The nation as a whole is not behind our President. Maybe it’s the situation in Iraq, his stance on gay marriage, or that he can't pronounce nuclear. If the economy was how it was in the late 1990's Mr. Potato would do just as fine behind the podium. Sorry, Mr. Gore I meant Potatoe (I found out it was Quayle who said this, but then it takes away from the joke). Instead we stand behind a man who cheated on his wife and then lied to us.

People need to understand its ok to be wrong. It's ok to make mistakes. You make a mistake, you learn. You fall down you learn how to regain your balance. You don’t touch your sister, because Dad very well might turn the minivan right around.


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