The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Friday, September 09, 2005

“I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, "They're looting." You see a white family, it says, "They're looking for food." And, you know, it's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black. And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch. I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give, and just to imagine if I was down there, and those are my people down there. So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help -- with the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way -- and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!”

“George Bush doesn't care about black people!”

These are the words for verbatim from rapper and producer Kanye West. The same words Mr. West decided to grace anyone and everyone who was watching the live broadcast fundraiser for the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund on NBC. There is so much in those few sentences that really got to me. So in typical consultant format, let me put them out there in bullet point.

1. The Avenue – This is a Red Cross fundraiser, not a free speech demonstration. What we need more than anything is a sense of community. We need effective leadership. This is not the best way to go about pointing blame. Kanye, I thought you were a rapper. How about you put it on a track that graces American airwaves. Use your creative lyrics and put them to a purpose to explain how you feel. Don’t use a charitable organization to vent. Then again it’d probably take you awhile to get your music writers and lyricists to help you out.

2. The Message – Is there Federal government to blame? Yes, and unfortunately there is no way around it. This incident is another chalk mark to the global population of how such a powerful country is weak in many ways. However the last time I checked there’s local and state government too. The rebuilding efforts will take months upon months for things to be in somewhat order. Federal government needs to play a powerful role in accomplishing this. Prior to the hurricane I can’t understand why more preparation didn’t occur. Could the mayor not have used city and school busses to start transporting residents to a safer area? The evacuation was mandatory. I realize much of the area is poor and did not have access to transportation. I believe more could have been done. With today’s technology we have a pretty good idea of when and where the hurricane will hit. Could the governor not started to get supplies set up in cities such as Lake Charles and Shreveport that would not be affected to such a degree? Water, food, transportation, pumps, generators, etc. I realize all these come at an expense and governments of all different sorts are usually stretched pretty thin. What’s the price on life? Ask your neighborhood firemen and police officers and the answer would be no price can be set.

3. The Looting – Never have I seen a city turn on itself like New Orleans did. Is it a race issue? Only if we make it one. The fact of the matter is the majority of the population that stayed behind in New Orleans was poor and black. Due to the numbers alone we would expect to see more blacks looting than other races. Seriously Kanye did you even watch the news? I’m guessing you were too busy seeing your face on MTV Music Video Awards. Looting is what happened. Yes, let people steal food, water, and the necessities to survive. What are you going to do with a TV when there’s no electricity? What are you going to do with 15 pairs of shoes? The stealing and violence that occurred was uncalled for. I wish the government did get to the city sooner so that this may have happened to a lesser a degree. What I wish happened more was that these individuals of all races were raised with morals. Were raised to follow the laws established before us.

4. The Individual – It’s hard for me to listen to a person rambling negatively when to my knowledge can’t think of one thing positive he has provided. Sure he has made some songs that people can sing to and enjoy. I myself have one or two tracks by him. However with lyrics such as the following why should we take what he says with any seriousness?

a. All Falls Down

“Man I promise, I'm so self conscious
That's why you always see me with at least one of my watches
Rollies and Pasha's done drove me crazy”

b. Slow Jamz

“I told her to drive over in your new whip
Bring some friends you cool with
Imma bring da cool whip
Then I want you to strip
See you is my new chick”

c. The New Workout Plan

"Don't drop the blunt and disrespect the weed
Pick up your son and don't disrespect your seed
It's a party tonight and ooh she's so excited
Tell me who's invited: you, your friends and my dick"

When an individual wears more jewelry that costs more than these people’s homes, why should we listen? When he names his debut album “College Dropout,” how can we believe this person is educated or at least values education?

5. The Last Sentence – Is George Bush my favorite president? No, I didn’t even vote for him. I think he has done a poor job leading this country. I look forward to his four year term ending. I have a question for you. Did you even vote? I don’t know that much about you, only what the media and your interviews portray. That is a man that is full of himself and probably too busy to care about politics of any sorts. Did you know George Bush has black members in his cabinet? Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice sound familiar to you? While a bit country and unworldly I can’t imagine The President curling up with Laura on a late night and saying “I hate dem niggas.”

In the end, Katrina was a horrible tragedy. In these upcoming months we will only see the death toll rise and have a better idea of how much was destroyed. Look at your life and see how you can help. While we may be strapped for cash there are other ways to help. Donations of clothing or necessities to just volunteering your time are all appreciated. It now and then takes huge catastrophes to open our eyes to appreciate the lives we live. This fact is unfortunate, and that there are people in every community that could use our help. Let’s not forget that either. We are American citizens, but more importantly we are humans.


Blogger Dave said...

Something like this Kanye would have been more appropriate.

It's a pretty good mp3. It mentions Connecticut

4:57 PM

Blogger martha said...

FYI: the "black people loot, white people find things" comment refers to two photos that were up on yahoo news. the one showing black people said they were looting, the white people "found" food at a store. it's been taken down since, but still.

10:02 AM

Blogger Dave said...

In response to Martha, I believe I have seen the two photos to which you are referring to. While similar in nature if you look closely one is from the AP (Associated Press) and one is from AFP(French Press Association). Due to the fact that the comparison is of photos from two different resources then we can not come to a valid conclusion that caption was biased due to race.

I've provided a link for those unaware of the as mentioned photos with caption.

10:18 AM

Blogger Michael Ward said...

Mad props for tackling such an issue.

On the AP/AFP photo thing. You make a great point. Two very different agencies with, one would assume, different editing standards. Given the proclivity of media outlets-- especially in Europe--to refrain from calling someone a "terrorist" I would imagine they would similarly refrain from describing someone as a "looter."

Also, I think you did a great job deconstructing West's others statemensts.

9:11 PM

Blogger Southern Girl said...

Sometimes I visit your blog simply to hear someone out there in the vast world speak sensibly. Thanks.

6:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Dave! Excellent post!

9:31 PM


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