The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I will try and post weekly updates on just random observations and thoughts.

1. It's hot
2. The sky is hazy (unlike the blue you see in postcards)
3. Even though its a new city, they didn't do much planning in terms of sidewalks
4. The most popular car color by far is white
5. I understand Muslims dress conservatively, but I tell you what, the women that even have their eyes covered up, its kind of spooky (I'm not ignorant, just observant)
6. Putting in green space is probably too costly (I've been informed that Doha's two golf courses account for 10% of the total water usage), but this place could use some parks
7. Overall I'd say cost of living is higher. Had a burger and an ice tea at Chilis for $16
8. Instead of intersections they love roundabouts. These roundabouts are tricky because even the people on the inside lane cut all the way across.
9. The rental car I received had a number of dents. So when completing the form I told the guy I saw damage on all body panels. This will make it harder for him to discover any new damage should it occur
10. That even with the AC on while driving, you will still bake. It's hot.


Blogger Unknown said...

How is the humidity? -Dad

12:38 AM


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