The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Timing is everything, or so they say.

Have you ever looked at life in the terms of time? We all have. There are 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in a hour......Who created time? In my opinion it was man, not God. God did create the universe and this planet on which we live, but he didn't invent the clock nor the calender.

A lot of sport performances are about who has the best time or who scored the most in the 16 minute quarters. In business we create short term and long term plans that look at what needs to be accomplished from a corporations standpoint in the years to come. Individually we have tasks that we know need to be done by a certain hour. We carry around daily planners in briefcases and backpacks, looking at them because we know there is only so much time in the day. I don't wear a watch because well the last two have broke(stupid Canal street vendors). I like to say I don't have a watch because if you notice people who wear them thats what they do. Look at their watch. We should always enjoy the present and be content with that. Still I am someone who remembers the past and dreams of the future.

Can timing be off? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you left on the road 10 minutes earlier. Was it because you were delayed that you now you have a safe drive and didn't end up in a horrendous accident. Have we already seen the person we are to marry and that right now it's not the right time. Maybe it was a simple smile on a crowded street, and our paths are to cross again. I think about this and wonder. I've even shared two hour flights and really liked the person I was next to. This being a girl around my age. Maybe someday seat 13 F will have more in store and maybe it won't. Life is about the unknowns, but life is also about taking risks. I now and then wish I wasn't the practical minded person I am, and would leave for the Caribbean and open up a Scuba shop. Sitting on a beach with the sunset in the distance...that'd be a good life, one worth not counting down the days and allowing myself to ignor those red numbers on an alarm clock