The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I've been told that the best way to achieve your goals is to actually write them down. Well I've decided I now have several goals and thought why not write them here. I won't just write them once, but I will come back here at least once every two weeks to provide a status. Now the goals established can not be altered or removed. However I can add additional goals as I see fit.

Wall Street Journal
- Read in detail the "Marketplace" and "Money & Investing" sections everytime I receive the paper. This for the most part will therefore mean every Monday-Thursday when I'm traveling dfue to work. The reason behind this goal is that I want to learn more about what is going on in the economy (global and domestic), trends, investing ideas, etc. Then I can sound smug when I say I read the Journal.

- Read a one book at least every 2 weeks. It is my hope to read one a week, but I understand that can be difficult due to work and life balance. I will then update the blog with a short review (out of 5 stars). The books can be fun fiction, historical significance, business related, etc.

"Prayer for the City." - 4 stars
I completed this nonficition piece last week. The book follows the newly elected mayor of Philidelphia, Ed Rennel in the early 90's. It provided me with knowledge around city politics that I only had a slight idea of. It's from the author Buzz Bissinger who I usually enjoy. I recommend picking up his other books.

"Running with Scissors" - 2.5 stars
It's entertaining and a quick read. It is the author's memoir. While true some of the stories seem a bit out there (he ends up living with his mom's therapist where chaos insues), take it for what it's worth. I know some would enjoy this book, while others would not. Approach it with caution.

Study every week for it. Plan to take by the summer

Research more into what degree/focus and where I would like to attend.