A stolen wallet, a victim of a hit and run, and a lack of sleep. It doesn't sound like much of a vacation. Then again, it wasn't. It was an adventure. One for the books.
The past week I left my constitutional rights behind and ventured to Spain with my roommate. Across the pond awaited a country I've never visited. Sites, sounds, and feelings that I haven't experienced. I could go into the details of the cities we visited such as Barcelona, Pamplona, and San Sebastian. That's not needed. I could tell you about the famous buildings, about physical geographic features like the Pyrnees, or conversations I would have with strangers in the airport at 3AM as we await our departures. Those will remain to be memories and some photographs as well.
Spain much like my Europe trip four years ago demonstrated the importance to see the world. Traveling to foreign countries helps paint the picture of what a global world we live in. The people look different, the customs are different, and the various languages can become barriers. Through all these differences we are all essentially human. We all can go through a range of emotions, have our fears, and most importantly have our dreams and ambitions.
There is no better way to travel Europe than by a car (no map) and a good friend.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Take unknown roads and see what just awaits beyond the bend. Have an itinerary, and then hide it in the glovebox. Some of the best moments come from those unplanned events. Definitely do see some of the major tourist attractions though. They are popular for a reason whether it’s due to the architecture ingenuity behind it, to the natural beauty that has made it a popular postcard. Don't go to Europe or any other continent to see things. Go there to experience them. Try to learn some of the local language, try to see how the locals live, and try to participate in their customs. The famous Sagrada Famila is an amazing church in Barcelona.
The coastline of San Sebastian is one for a coffee table book. While YouTube may demonstrate the chaotic nature that is the Running of the Bulls, it still doesn't quite capture it. Grab your white outfit and red handkerchief. Tie your shoes on the cobblestone roads. Ahead of you lies the course, and behind you lies a tradition that has occurred for decades and hopefully will continue. Run, Smile, and Embrace. Life is fleeting, and in these experiences and moments the importance of life become all the more visible.