The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Here are some songs that are worth listening to, and why they are good.

The White Stripes "My Doorbell" It’s an upbeat song with a simple piano and drum holding down the beat. No need to dissect the lyrics, but just give it a listen

Dave Matthews "Stay or Leave" Dave was my high school band. I loved him then. In college especially the later years I started drifting away. Again with the satellite radio this song came on and I immediately wrote down the title knowing I'd have to download it. Basically the song talks about a relationship that was good, but for one it wasn't good enough to keep it lasting. But the lyric that really grabbed my attention was "Making plans to change the world, While the world is changing us..." More often than not that is the case. We have dreams and ambitions. We also have bills and have to be realistic. Our surroundings have a direct impact on us. It's neither negative nor positive, but it's real and it is something we have to deal with.

Stereophonics "Nothing Precious At All" I like this song more for its sound (singers voice is truly unique) than the lyrics. However the basis is this guy is sitting at a coffee shop people watching and notices this new employee. A girl, and by looking at her he formulates her story. The type of person she is. Now I don't go into the details he does, but on all of my trips to Chicago there is usually someone that sticks out and I imagine their life or what they are like. I can't help but wonder if others do the same with me.

Ryan Adams "If I Am a Stranger"

Devotchka "How It Ends" I want to someday make the soundtrack to a movie. I saw a trailer online the other day for the 70's classic the shining. Showing different parts and playing different music they do an excellent job of portraying the movie to be a "feel good" kind. It goes to prove music has a tremendous effect on a scene. Some scenes are more known for the music that accompanied than the words spoken. This song would be included in my soundtrack. "Yeah, You already know how this will end." It's a sad song. It's also a very realistic song. There are many situations we find ourselves in knowing the ending, but hope that a different one will become visible. This song could be a drug deal going bad, a couple breaking up, a saddened patient in a hospital, etc. It's a song that you don't hear but see.


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