This past week I was heading to the gym. A place I should visit more often, but at least I'm making it. One of my weekly routines is on Monday I sit in my rental car of the week and set the radio stations to the ones I've come to enjoy. They have a few alternative stations that depending on time of day play some not so mainstream music.So here I am in my vehicle dujour (Impala) and a Michigan artist of Sufjan Stevens comes on. The song coincidentally is called Chicago. I have his live version, but for the first time I heard the studio version. I turned it up and was taken to another place. I think behind books and music the artist has meaning built into it. However I think we as the audience should use the freedom to interpret it. If we get something out of it, then where's the harm. Driving the short drive, certain lyrics jumped out at me. Lyrics I never really paid attention to before.
"I was in love with the place
in my mind, in my mind
I made a lot of mistakes
in my mind, in my mind"
How true are these words. We as humans at many times over analyze the situation we are in. Or day dream about the situation we want to be in. I have at many points pondered about my future and where it'll lead me. When we dream we are optimistic. We put ourselves in places we'd like to be in. In these places we fall in love with our surroundings. These places real or not for the time being only remain in our mind.
Then at the same time we things go wrong, the magnitude of them grows exponentially by our thought process. We feel the weight of the situation and at times can be over burdened by it. If we were an outsider looking at the situation we'd notice the mistake but soon enough move on. The mind is a powerful thing, and at times it'd probably be nice to have an on and off switch.
"we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go"
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