The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

So today I needed to find a place to receive faxes. I am trying to renew my lease in College Station and was told it needed to be done rather soon. First place the Guesthouse. I know they have a fax machine, however they told me I couldn't use it even though I offered to pay. The next place, International Relations Office. Its only open 1 hour a day, and I don't know what hour that is. Copy shop, nope. Post Office, nope, but you can send them. Second copy shop, nope. I go ahead and email the International office and have received a reply with a fax number in the message. Thankfully, and all it took was a lot of walking and close to 2 hours.

One of my favorite things to do here, is listen to my headphones to and from school. I absolutely love music(favorite art form by far) and it helps make the walk seem shorter. Batteries went out today so that's not fun.

Another thing I've really grown to love are group dinners. I have several friends who are in the another building(one I am moving into on March 1st, so yeah for that) and rotate cooking. I was suppose to cook Monday, but I had a conflict. Eventually I'll cook, but for now I just do the dishes for them. The food is surprisingly good. Plus, I always get free water from the tap. The carbonation issue has continued to be a problem with me. Some juices at the grocery store have it and even at a restaraunt it seems Lipton has created carbonated ice tea.

Some good news. I've finally met a sarcastic Dutch girl. I realize cultural barriers exist, but I still am very much a sarcastic person. However finally I met someone over here whose not American and dishes it right back.

It's finally been brought up that I am very much an American. The main thing is my bright Columbia jacket. Everyone wears dark coats, but not me. My yellowish jacket is just too much. Also someone introduced me to an Italian girl who was on my floor last night. She's like oh you are the American that lives here. I was like is it that obvisious. She said yes.

So basically I was in bed about to fall asleep and there is knock on my door. They are about to have dessert on my floor and want me to join. It took some convincing, but I put on some clothes and joined them in the kitchen. Somehow I ended up being the only guy there. There were quite a few Spanish speaking girls there that wanted me to try and speak Spanish. All I have is two years of highschool, so pretty much what ever I said they would laugh at.

It seems my Project Managment course continues to spiral downwards. My group just isn't coheisive and I find them to be lazy. Since I have three Dutch kids in my class I would have thought one of them would assume the leadership role that always develops in group projects of the past. It seems they didn't and I've now assumed the role. I've tried to motivate them, but have found little success. It is possible that I may drop the course, for passing the course is starting to look uncertain. I will still give it a couple weeks to see if anything develops. Fortunately this won't affect my graduation plans or anything. However failure comes to my mind. It is something I don't deal well with. I can't stand to think that I gave up, I feel I have to prove to myself that anything can be accomplished. I'm not so much worried about letting others down, as I am letting myself down. Even though I know others have dropped classes here already, I feel I shouldn't be one.

Classes here are just interesting and different. Last week I had to lead the class in discussion for two hours. For the most part I'd say I did a good job. Then I was listening to some classmates in my other class and could clearly tell they were BSing, I wonder if others could pick it up when I had to. Also I am constantly burried in excerpts from journals, books, or other readings assigned by the professor. Now and then I wonder about my own English as these texts have so many words I am unfamiliar with. Usually I can come to understand the terms using the text around, but an English dictionary would have been a wise thing to pack. I have hard time understanding how the students who aren't native to the English language can handle the readings when they can't even handle the lecture.

Time for lunch.


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