That random two digit number followed by a letter A through F. It's a combination that gives you, a several hundred dollar paying customer a seat on a plane. Will you be in the aisle, the window, or the middle/shit seat in-between? Flying alone in high school with hormones a raging, my mind would only have one thought. hot single girl, Hot Single Girl, HOT SINGLE GIRL. Almost every time denied. Few times I was fortunate, but alas shaggy blonde shy kid I was a high pitched squeak hi is all I could muster. However there was one time the hour and a half flight was filled with conversation and hanging out for just a bit in Denver's terminal.
Now the only thought on my mind flying is nap time, Nap Time, NAP TIME. Flying to NYC, I wasn't so fortunate. Not to stereotype the Jewish population I was surrounded by the sect that wears those wide brimmed hats and have curly sideburns. Three behind me, two to the left of me, and three in front of me. I was a button downed blue shirt in a sea of white. This white population didn't give off the best smell. I would have switched seats, but the flight from where I was sitting looked full.
I have been on flights to exotic locals such as Ft. Lauderdale to London. I have been on massive planes where two jet engines lie under each wing to a plane with a single propeller. I've been fortunate and have flown first class and been on budget airlines where only if you're an amputee would there be enough leg room. I've flown on AirTran, American, ATA, Continental, Delta, Easy Jet, Northwest, Ryan Air, Spirit, Southwest, and United.
What I've learned from flying on all these different planes is 99% no matter how little time you have to connect flights you'll make it. If a plane is going to crash there is no way that little belt around your waist is going to save your life (you're in a 300mph fireball). That when the plane finally docks there is no point to stand because it'll still take 20 minutes for them to open the door. That lost luggage is truly a pain. When flying with parents you can usually get them to buy you an overpriced meal at the airport. Even though there are certain complaints with flying, that the four hour flight beats two days of driving any day.
Truly good flight advice. Beep!
11:29 AM
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