The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Can you judge a book by its cover?

We've all been there before. We open those large maghony doors to a land filled with enchantment and wonder. A land where young and old can find something they want to learn more on or simply dream about. A place where imagination is a prerequiste for coming in. Barnes and Noble. It never fails. I open those doors and right in the center aisle are the new releases. Here they lay in some arranged order, horizontal, vertical, diagonal....Some of us look for a book that was recomended, others try to discover if their favorite author is at it again. Then there's the impulse buy. We look at covers for something that catches our eye. Something that screams out READ ME!!! However how many times does the cover speak the truth?

I've now finished two weeks of training in Dearborn, Michigan. I've now experienced two straight weeks of depression. Some may conclude its the overcast weather or the groginess of Detroit. A city awaiting for its pistons and wheels to start turning more rapidly, being able to bring it back to the importance it achieved in the 1940's. Then there are the friends and relationships left behind. I have to admit that this does play a role, but smaller compared to the main reason for my state of mind.

The job. This job came in a manilla envelope that promised me rewards for a job well done. As I read the back cover I was filled with joy, it was abou a job in an industry I love. It laid out benefits that any college graduate would want and more. It painted a picture of a career, of a company hiring us to be VPs and not just entry level workers. The Blue Oval shined and shimmered as it lay in my hands, but soon discovered was really just another emblem painted over hastily.

I leave in a few hours to once again board a plane. Aisle or window seat, it doesn't matter. This is one flight that I wish I did not have to board. That is life. Life is to be experienced and looked at with an open mind. Maybe its only how this first chapter is written that has brought me to how I feel. So far its no page turner, but then plots can change.


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