The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Big fish in a small pond or small fish in a big pond....How about big fish in a big pond.

When I came to A&M, I was number 468-88-9976 (obvisouly not my real social security number). As I sat among hundreds in my classes I was just another name less face with a pen in a hand and a beat up notebook on the desk. Years have gone by and not much has changed. Classes have for the most part become smaller and interacting with the professors is now more frequent. I've done well for myself with internships, high GPA, and extra curricular activities. I'd say I'm a decent size fish. Not the biggest, but definitely not one you would consider tossing back.

The number I now am, that question is up to the HR Recruiters and other managers I have interviewed with. If you do some quick math my new number is probably around 452. The number of people who I am competing against for the same jobs. I'll be generous, give or take that number a bit. I am competing for a coveted few spots at a few companies. I am competing among hundreds of A&M students for a chance to have a second or on site interview. Magic time machine takes us forward...WHOOOOOSH. Okay, I'm now at the corporate office or at least a major center for their business. I am about to go through multiple interviews. Now not only am I still competing with the best A&M students, but now there are students from Rice, UT, and other schools thrown in the mix. No matter how you do the math, the odds aren't in your favor.

Lets throw in a kicker, a mulitpler to increase your chances. Wait a minute, that multipler does not exist for me because I am a white male. I agree that diversity in the workforce is important. I feel companies that ignore this have the potential to fail in the long run. However when you are in the position of a potential hire or a potential reject, you may take a step back and feel things are unfair.

So lets hope the economy turns around. Lets hope the GNP increases and that the unemployment rates continue to decrease. Lets hope that corporate america is about to toss out their commericial size fishing nets, and me a simple fish gets tangled in the webbing and brought on in.


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