The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

The world is a beautiful, amazing, and one fucked up place.

I love life. I love everything about it. The emotions we experience, the relationships we build, the sights we see. Our lifes can range really from a couple days to 100 plus years if we are lucky. I wish we all could be that lucky.

Today a suicide bomb went off again in the Israel/Palenstine region. A country or area of the world that I truly don't know if it will find peace in my lifetime. I can't imagine living over there and not being fearful. My mind would constantly wonder about my personal safety everytime I hopped on a bus or saw someone who didn't look like an Israelite.

While I can't imagine, it seems to me America doesn't care. This country is great. We have freedoms, we are starting to embrace diversity, the opportunities are endless. 9/11 was a tragic event and it brought reality to many Americans(I am generalizing Americans from here on out in this entry, there will always be exceptions). Its hard for me to think that this was the first time people really tried grasp terrorism. Its been going on through out the world. It's been 2 short years, and what is the country concerned about now. Jobs. Job market. Consumer confidence. Gross National Product. Numbers, mindless numbers. Everything and anything concerned with the business economy. How easy it is for us to forget what happens and what is going on around us. How easy is it for us to forget that there are soldiers still risking their lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and really throughout the world. America wanted to rid Sadam and his evil regime. Most likely Sadam is still alive as well as ol Bin Laden, but America doesn't care. They aren't voicing their opinions. A country who was willing to go to war to end Sadams rule, the same country where no common man if asked would be willing to go. Americans want to see what the Dow Jones is at, and if its not on the upswing well then it's a horrible day.

I don't forget about terrorism, starving children, landmines in Bosnia, missing toursists in Colombia, lack of medical treatment in the South East Asia. I think about it everyday. Every morning and when I go to sleep. I can't forget because I don't think we should. Even though I have these strong opinions, I am American as the people next door. While I think about it, I don't act and there in lies my flaw.


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