The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Update - Week of 1/28/07-2/3/07

Wall Street Journal
Well I didn't get through them and now that the news is several weeks old I went ahead and threw them out. That being said, don't think that I don't know what's going on in the world. I visit websites such as CNN and the Drudge Report daily. I also now subscribe to Fortune Magazine to read up on the business world.

Book - The Hummer and the Mini
Author - Robyn Waters
Rating - 2.5 stars
Review - This book discusses the dichotomy of the American population. We drive Hummers; we drive Minis. The book focused on paradoxes that exist when looking at trends, and urges the reader to use them to develop new products and services. Cell phones are getting complex, so a Nokia has made a very simple phone for calling only. The threat of global warming has made companies create more products for the environmentally conscious consumer. Companies are turning commodities into luxuries (think Starbucks). Why the low rating, because to me it was common sense. The author was discussing companies, products, and services I was already aware of. The material while easy to read, wasn't thought provoking. However, the author is the former VP of Trend, Design and Product Development of Target, or as the fancy folk call it...tarzhay

Book - The Ruins
Author - Scott Smith
Rating - 3.5 stars
Review - You may know this author as the one that wrote "The Simple Plan." I read that very book early in the fall on my flights to San Antonio. It was then, that someone next to me recommended I checkout his latest (13 years later to be exact). Story, basically tourists in Mexico go looking for a lost friend in an old Mayan area. They would soon be trapped by a vine...a vince that can think, a vine that adapts, and a vine that will eventually mimic their voices. Farfetched I know. Still it was suspenseful and I found the ending to be appropriate which is something I enjoy.

Math, Math, and more math..I studied one weekday, and both Saturday and Sunday. It's coming along, but I've learned that there is more I need to learn. I'm not worried as I have months to come, but that being said I still need to improve quite a bit.

MBA, Scholarships, Research more into what degree/focus and where I would like to attend
No major update to report

Songs (just something for you to enjoy..sorry if I repeat any ever)
1. Greg Laswell "High and Low"
2. Old 97's "Buick City Complex"
3. Ian Moore "Satisfied"


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