The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Today was an alright day at work. For the most part I was busy, but I also had to do stuff that I thought I shouldn't have. Take for example...a person on the client side had major surgery. So they told me to order flowers. I was like do you want me to write anything. They said yeah, but didn't tell me what. I could have done something funny instead of along the get well lines, but I guess my morals are too high. I also had to check advertisements for errors that were being sent to magazines. I know some of the stuff to look for, but not everything. My boss said they should be good and told me just to go over them and then Fed Ex them. Hopefully they are good.

The weather is starting to get a lil hot and humid. So the no A/C in the dorms really is starting to suck. Here's another thing thats not good. On the way home from Grand Central I've been falling asleep on the train. Yesterday I luckily woke up at the stop before and today I would have probably gone right through had it not been for a worker who was going around checking tickets to make sure I had payed. So now Im going to make an effort not to fall asleep.


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