The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Friday, February 28, 2003

Counting Crows version of Big Yellow Taxi is on. I love the Counting Crows.

I am writing from my new room. It's really nice, but no view. Still much more enjoyable then the last place. So tomorrow my european adventure begins. We have a break, so its time to fill up the backpack, load up the camera, put on the sneaks, see some culture, eat different food, hope Engish will be all I need, and hear some stories in the hostels. I really can't wait. I'll write it about it when I return.

Nothing else is new. My project management group is worthless. I'm even tempted to drop it and take all my research with me. Then I'd be a jerk though. Still, they are the most incompetent group I've ever been involved with.

I got a haircut at his beauty school place. So it was cheap, which is nice. Also the main instructor was the only one that knew good English so she started it and then had the student take over. All in all I was happy. A little short, but thats fine by me. The weather keeps on getting better. I walked around yesterday and finally took some pictures of the town. Been here for a month and have only used one roll. I need to start using it a bit more.

Need to tie up some loose ends.


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