The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

I realized something last night. I've been here for a month and in no such way does it feel like its been that long. I've also realized that I haven't smoked out yet even though I pass "coffee shops" everyday.

Well last night I met up with some friends at the movie theater to see 8 Mile. I guess it takes awhile for movies to make it overseas. It was funny because at the theater you can buy beer. I guess the only reason I find this humorous is because I know of people back home that sneak it in. On the downside every movie has a 10 minute intermission. On the bike ride back I was crossing the river back to the main part of town, back to the dorm. I never saw Maastricht from this view at night, and it was the best view of Maastricht I've seen. I came to appreciate exactly where I am now.

In going to the movie I missed out on International dinner night on my floor. We have Spanish, Peru, Poland, Hungarian, and French people so the food did look varied andgood. Anyways I hung out with them and I realized I might actually miss the people. So in one of our lying in our beds roommate talks Matche informs me how the Hungarian guy said Americans are stupid. I am curious about how the converseration would have gone if I had been in the room. I'd say Americans have achieved quite a bit more and not out of luck, but out of obtaining knowledge and being determined. The Hungarian guy shaves in our kitchen, I am able to shave in my room. I feel I am the smarter one.

Below is a Dutch email. I don't know why, but I get quite a few from the school. When they are important they send along an English version as well.
De studentenpsychologen van de Universiteit Maastricht organiseren wederom een faalangsttraining.
Faalangst kan ervoor zorgen dat je minder presteert dan je van jezelf mag verwachten.
In de faalangsttraining zal in 7 bijeenkomsten, die elk 2 uur duren, aandacht besteed worden aan aspecten die faalangst doen ontstaan dan wel in stand houden en vooral hoe je daar zelf iets aan kunt veranderen.


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