The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

3 flights, 13 trains, 8 bus rides(including a double decker tour of London), and utlizing 2 city subways my journey comes to an end.

So Saturday morning I woke up in the hostel, left my pack in a closet and did some more exploring. The weather was great and I was able to see a few more sights. Then it was off to London.

London, dont know really what to say about it. I didn't see much of it. However I was able to stay with some A&M friends and it was truly great to hang out with some people from back home. I got in Saturday night and my friends were all jet lagged. I didn't care to do anything else for I was just tired of all the traveling. However I did have some KFC and that was nice. The next morning we woke up, checked out a couple markets and did some exploring. That afternoon we took one of those double decker bus tours. It was a good way for me to see the major sites. Pretty much took photos, for not much was open on a Sunday. However the Tower of London was. It has ravens, those big black birds. Ugly, straight out of Edgar Allen Poe's poem. Anyways they have clipped wings, because it is rumored if they were to ever leave London the city would fall. I wanted to take a picture next to one. So I lean up against this pole. Not too close to the bird. Well it walks over. Im thinking, oh it knows how to pose. No, it knows how to bite. It bit my arm. The next thing I could think of was my eyes are going to be pecked. So I got out of there.

That night we ate the Hard Rock Cafe. Its the original so that is nice. Our waitress honestly vanished, so that wasn't nice. The next morning I woke up and made it back to the airport and eventurally after some trains and buses back to Maastricht. Did some laundry and studying and called it a night.


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