The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

It's Saturday and I'm not traveling. This is a first. Finals are about to begin so I have decided to just take it easy this weekend and stay in Maastricht. Who knows maybe I will go for a bike ride and try to become more acquainted with the area. In parts I still don't have a clue where I am going. Not much else is really new here.

Last night my roommate and I had a French girl cook us dinner. It was a good time. She taught us on how to taste wine, what to look for, etc. We had a bottle of South African wine, and she thought it wasn't too bad, but was skeptical at first. It was fun to have her over because even though we know how her country views the war we were able to joke about it. Talked about Freedom Fries, and she made fun of our fast paced way of life. Living in this international dorm really gives me hope about the world in the future. Here we are confined to a few hallways and yet many ethnic groups are not only to tolerate, but enjoy ones company.

The only other story is that I went to a Pimp and Hoes party at a local club. I honestly think this club has some of the worst music, and its American music. The songs aren't that great for dancing. Anyways I found it hard to dress like a pimp, I guess I left those clothes back home. However some people obvisiouly packed them. It was a funny sight.


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