The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Saturday, May 03, 2003

One Month. Four and a half weeks. 31 Days. No matter how you look at it, my time here at Maastricht is coming to an end. Am I counting down the days? In a few words: yes. I've seen pretty much all I wanted to in Europe, which in essence was the main reason I wanted to study abroad. Ok, I should say I've seen pretty much all I can afford to. Anyways its been a good time, and Im sure these next few weeks will be just fine. Still I can't help but get a little anxious to get back home. Living over here is fine, true I have issues with the restaraunts and the grocery stores, but its just I miss everyone back in College Station. I've really been thinking how my college life is almost over, less than 8 months. I just want to get back to everyone I've spent the last few years with and enjoy every minute of it. Soon enough I will be wearing the corporate suit working the 9-5(yes, I realize it'll be something like 7-8). Still I can hope for that 8 hour work day.


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