The travels I have taken and the experiences that resulted.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

You know you'vé been in Europe too long when you start dreaming of exchange rates. The exchange rate from my standpoint has dropped considerably since Ive been here. While Ive lost money in every transaction, I will benefit from my deposit. A little bit of arbitrage.

So there is this French guy in my marketing class who has left for France for the next ten days. He hasn't seen his girlfriend in two weeks, so he needed to get back. Most of us were thinking, two weeks isn't that long of a time. Plus with finals next week, he could be distracted with wanting to go out with her and all. Still I was jealous of the guy, he was following his heart and not his head. I am someone who would like to be that carefree, but still am very much rational in my decisions.

Finals are just a bit over a week away. Ive started studying for them, because I am somewhat afraid of failing. With no prior midterms or exams I have no idea what to expect. The thing I hate about finals week is that it is always so slow. Time comes to a halt. But then that makes you wonder about time. Since our time here is limited, it should be good that days are slow. We should hope for days such as these. Still I want this week over done with ASAP. And hey say a prayer for me to pass my exams. I need all the help I can get. Also say one for world peace, thats a good thing too.


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